TIPS = To Insure Prompt Service “贴士”是英语“Tips”的音译词,用作名词,是指“供参考的资料”或者“提醒、提示别人的信息”。
Here are some tr***el tips in English:
1. Plan ahead: Before you tr***el, make sure to research your destination, book your accommodation and transportation, and plan your itinerary.
2. Pack light: Only bring the essentials and pack light to ***oid carrying he***y luggage.
3. Be safe: Keep your valuables safe and be aware of your surroundings at all times.
4. Respect local culture: Be respectful of the local culture and customs to ***oid any cultural misunderstandings.
5. Try local cuisine: Try the local cuisine to experience the fl***ors of the destination.
6. Be flexible: Be flexible with your plans and be open to new experiences.
7. Take photos: Don't forget to take photos to capture your memories.
8. H***e fun: Most importantly, enjoy your tr***els and h***e fun!
小贴士:1.提前规划行程 在出行前,最好规划好旅***程。您可以先了解目的地的交通、住宿、景点等信息,并确定自己的预算和时间安排。这样不仅可以避免不必要的浪费,还能让旅途更加顺心顺意。
2.注意防晒和保湿 夏季阳光强烈,出门旅游时一定要注意防晒和保湿。建议选用高SPF值的防晒霜,并且每隔2-3个小时重新涂抹一次。此外,饮水也非常重要,保持充足的水分有助于防止皮肤干燥和晒伤。