The Forbidden City was the Chinese Imperial palace from the mid-Ming Dynasty to the end of the Qing Dynasty.It is located in the middle of Beijing,China.It now houses the Palace Museum.
The complex consists of 800 buildings with 8,886 rooms.It covers 720,000 square metres.The Forbidden City was declared a World Heritage Site in 1987 as the "Imperial Palace of the Ming and Qing Dynasties",and is listed by UNESCO as the largest collection of preserved ancient wooden structures in the world.
The Palace Museum is also called the Forbidden City,which started to be built in 1407.It took 200,000 people four*** years to build it.It was finished in 1420.There are 9,999 rooms in all the palaces.In China,nine is regarded as a lucky number traditionally.At present,it is free for Chinese students to visit every Tuesday.The Palace Museum has treasures of over 5,000 years' history.
The Forbidden City was the Chinese Imperial palace from the mid-Ming Dynasty to the end of the Qing Dynasty.It is located in the middle of Beijing,China.It now houses the Palace Museum.
The complex consists of 800 buildings with 8,886 rooms.It covers 720,000 square metres.The Forbidden City was declared a World Heritage Site in 1987 as the "Imperial Palace of the Ming and Qing Dynasties",and is listed by UNESCO as the largest collection of preserved ancient wooden structures in the world.
The Palace Museum is also called the Forbidden City,which started to be built in 1407.It took 200,000 people four*** years to build it.It was finished in 1420.There are 9,999 rooms in all the palaces.In China,nine is regarded as a lucky number traditionally.At present,it is free for Chinese students to visit every Tuesday.The Palace Museum has treasures of over 5,000 years' history.
Purple Forbidden City. It is the largest and most well reserved imperial residence in China today Beijing Forbidden City is the head of the worlds top five palace. The Forbidden City was built
begin in 1406 and it took 14 years to built it.The
first ruler who actually lived here was Mind Emperor Zhudi. North to south is 961 meters and 753 meters from east to west. And the area of about 725000 square meters.The Imperial Palace has 8704 rooms.In
北京故宫是世界五大宫殿之首。紫禁城建于1906年,历时14年建造完成。第一个明朝统治者朱棣便住在这里。故宫南北长!、米,东西宽753米,建地面积725000 方米。宫殿>有8704个房间。
故宫,又称紫禁城,是明清两代的***宫殿。英文介绍:The Forbidden City, also known as the Purple Forbidden City, is the royal palace of the Ming and Qing dynasties.
The Forbidden City, also known as the Palace Museum, is a world-famous cultural treasure located in the heart of Beijing.
As the imperial palace of the Ming and Qing dynasties, it witnessed the rise and fall of China's feudal society.
Its buildings, unique design, precious cultural relics, and historical significance make it a must-see attraction for visitors to China. (50 words)
英文名是 The Palace Museum,也可以称为 The Imperial Palace。紫禁城的英文名是 The Forbidden City。
北京故宫,即紫禁城,是中国明清两代的***宫殿,位于北京中轴线的中心。故宫是中国古代宫廷建筑之精华,以三大殿为中心,占地面积 72 万平方米,建筑面积约 15 万平方米,有大小宫殿七十多座,房屋九千余间。故宫于明永乐十八年(1420 年)落成,至今已有 600 多年的历史。故宫于 2012 年 1 月至 2018 年 6 月期间,累计接待观众达到 1 亿人次。2019 年起,故宫将试行分时段售票。
the Palace Museum (特指故宫博物院)故宫
2.the Imperial Palace (特指皇宫)故宫
3.the Forbidden City 紫禁城
北京故宫:通常可以说The Forbidden City 也有人翻译成The Purple Forbidden City 故宫的官方网站上是Palace Museum,但这个说法更贴近“故宫博物院”