Mount Tai, located in the east of Shandong Province, is a famous place of interest of China. Every year, a large number of tourists from home and abroad go visit there. It takes two hours to get there from downtown by bus, or you may take a train. The best time to climb Mount Tai is autumn.
Mount Tai, located in the east of Shandong Province, is a famous place of interest of China. Every year, a large number of tourists from home and abroad go visit there. It takes two hours to get there from downtown by bus, or you may take a train. The best time to climb Mount Tai is autumn. 泰山位于山东省东部,是一个著名的地方对中国的兴趣。
1.泰山,自秦始皇封禅泰山后,历朝历代帝王不断在 泰山封禅和祭祀,并且在泰山上下建庙塑神,刻石题字。古代的文人雅士更对泰山仰慕备至,纷纷前来游历,作诗记文。泰山宏大的山体上留下了20余处古建筑群,2200余处碑碣石刻。
2.崂山,属基岩型海岸,故其海滩甚不发育,即有海滩之处,也多为岩滩、散礁、碎石和粗砂砾石。潮间带之物质组成,主要为砾沙、细沙,或亚细沙、亚沙土、泥沙、沙泥或泥。主要有 王哥庄滩、 仰口滩、八水河滩 、 流清河滩、东松口滩 、沙子口滩 、 大江口滩。