Stephen Curry, born on March 14, 1988 in Akron, Ohio, USA, a professional basketball player in the United States, is a team guard who plays for the NBA Golden State Warriors.
Stephen Curry in 2009 through the draft into the NBA has been effective in the Warriors, rookie season selected for the best rookie first team; 2014-15 season with the Warriors won the NBA championship; twice elected regular season MVP, twice selected The best team first team, 4 times selected All-Star Game West starting lineup.
Stephen Curry in 2010 with the US team won the World Championships in Turkey, in 2014 with the US team won the Spanish Basketball World Cup
库里是一位美国职业篮球运动员,目前效力于金州勇士队。他的全名是斯蒂芬·库里(Stephen Curry),出生于1988年3月14日,身高1.91米。他是NBA历史上最具影响力的三分球手之一,在赛场上闪耀着自己的才华,也成为了广大篮球迷们的偶像之一。除此之外,库里还是一位热心公益的运动员,他积极参与各种慈善事业,为社会做出了伟大的贡献。
没有介绍库里的英语作文50词,只有1 库里是一位非常出色的NBA球员,他的英语作文肯定也是非常优秀的。
2 由于库里在美国长大并接受教育,英语作文应该是他的强项之一。
3 虽然没有找到库里的英语作文具体内容和字数,但可以肯定的是他在英语方面的表现应该是非常优秀的。