The Tibetan antelopes live in family group, the normal size of a Tibetan antelops is with body length 120-130 cm, shoulder height 80-100 cm, tail length 18-30 cm and weight 25-35 kg. They are mainly distributed over Qinghai Province, Tibetan Autonomous Region and Xinjiang Autonomous Region in China. The life span of a Tibetan antelope is probably 10-15 years.这些介绍应该够了,而且语言比较简单,顺附中文对照如下:藏羚羊是群居动物,一头藏羚羊的常规大小为--身长120-130厘米,高80-100厘米,尾长18-30厘米,重约25-35公斤。他们主要分布在中国的青海、西藏和新疆,其寿命在10至15年。